We’re Doug and Connie Inglis and have been missionaries with Wycliffe for 30+ years. We now divide their time between Thailand and Canada. Currently, we reside in Edmonton, Alberta and have three children and four grandchildren who also reside in Edmonton.
The Shatikha translation work remains our primary focus. Paul Mann Han, our main mother-tongue translator, works with Doug and a team of nationals to make decisions concerning a second printing of the Bible in five years. Doug teaches at Payap University in Thailand via Zoom meetings. He advises students in their ongoing MA thesis work. Currently, Doug is teaching a course with eight students most of whom want to become Bible translators and literacy workers themselves, with the desire to return to their home countries and translate the Gospel for their own people.
Connie works as an editor for Wycliffe Canada year-round. She also helps Payap students with their writing and editing--something she can do both in Thailand and in Canada.