Post Vehicle Crash Update from Darren Charlton (Board of Elders Chair)
Asbestos Abatement
All of the asbestos abatement has now been completed. The downstairs kitchen has been emptied and is stripped down to the bare framing and all contaminated materials have been removed from the property. These areas remain closed off, as they are still construction zones and the permanent structural repairs still needs to be completed.
Status of Worship Center
The Worship Center is open and able to be used. There is now a temporary hallway from the main office entrance that leads into the Worship Center. The only restriction is that we cannot use the center part of the balcony (exceptions are sound and media people).
Status of Lower Auditorium
The carpet in this area is not able to be saved and is scheduled to be replaced fairly soon. They are trying hard to get this space back into a state that we can resume using it as soon as possible.